Saturday, February 13, 2010

I Truely Hate Apologies!

Recently, Marvel Comics, one of my favorite comic book publishers has to issue out an apology to none other than...da dada daaa, the tea party. If your not up to date with the politics, there is actually a new tea party. However this one in my opinion is nothing like the one found in the colonial days, because this tea party is all talk and now brains, people complaining about taxes because they recently found out they had the right to. And now, my favorite publishers have to issue out an apology to them because in their most recent issue of captain america(who i am truly against)had a page or two talking about how useless the modern day tea party is, as an anti american group. Of coarse this is complete bologna, because in the issue he really didn't say anything rude or wrong towards them. He however, did tell his black sidekick the Falcon, to go down there and tell the "angry white people" to calmly disperse, while disguised as black IRS agent to make them even madder. Not to mention it, but the tea party had signs which said "I don't see a black man from Harlem fitting in with a bunch of angry white people". If any apology is to be made it should be from captain america or marvel, and the tea party to the black community for such crude and terrible thing both said and suggested.

Don't believe me

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