Saturday, March 20, 2010

Revisiting the past to remind me of my future

Over the coarse of spring break i have done pretty much nothing, but worked and played games. I did manage to take some time and go visit my high school, to say hi and see all those who really supported me through those four dreadful years. I took a nice walk up the hill, remembering the days when that hill gave me trouble, and joy, and while walking a began to feel uplifted and rejuvenated once again. Walking in the building, i began to feel suffocated and realized the after i graduated the school began to decay and seem more like a jail. Student were terrible, those I knew seemed to have grown up and other new faces seemed to be the spawned devil children. All i could say is what happened to the beloved castle on the hill. Thinking past that, i went to see all of my teachers that really had my back and supported me with all of my life choices. I realized that they had begun to grow older and grayer, which seemed weird because while i was there even in my Senior years which was only last year, they seemed so young. I was amazed that they were still the same inside, and sad that they were soon either retiring or moving to a different school. I know that once they leave i will have no reason to go back, but i also realize that i need to become successful quick because i have to go back and help them out some how. I only wish that i will ever be able to repay them for all that they have done for me.

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