Saturday, April 10, 2010

The Boondocks are back

One of my most favorite things in the world are comming back to late night television...The Boondocks. Ever since i was little I have read the boondocks comics in the sun paper and was always curious about them because the author and I are really close in age(well he's in his 20's and I'm still 18). I never knew that at a young age I would have been able to be like him, and never thought I would say i want to be like him. Every one always asked me what i would be when i grew up, so i just figured that i had to be grown up in order to make a change or do something important, but know that i am older i realize that all those years, where jsut training for me to finnaly begin to achieve my goal to become a game designer and make the games that at one point i was too young to play but would, and games that others could play with out having to say, "why is character always a white guy or why are the cornrolls always so clunky and weird looking?" For once i wold like to have a character that could speak slang that doesnt make you wonder were they just being racist or not, or be able to dress the way i want in a sims game with out thinking that gay or just plain ugly. Well the boondocks are back on may 2, and with that another reminder for the world to be ready for em to change the gaming and television industry. One small step for me, one giant step for gamers everywhere.

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